The Nurses Climate Challenge Europe aims to:
- Mobilise nurses across Europe to educate their colleagues about the impacts of climate change on human health
- Build a European network of informed and engaged health professionals in care settings
- Launch a movement of health professionals committed to climate solutions in care settings and in the community
Nurse Climate Champions receive access to a free, comprehensive, and growing set of easy-to-use resources that make educating their colleagues on climate and health simple. Nurse Climate Champions across Europe can use these materials to host small or large educational events (e.g. at a staff meeting) and report the number of health professionals they have educated.
The Nurses Climate Challenge Europe is delivered by Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe. It is a Europe-wide campaign aiming to leverage the unique and trusted voice of nurses to motivate the healthcare sector to take climate action.
Health Care Without Harm Europe is a network of thousands of hospitals, healthcare leaders and healthcare professionals, with members across Europe and partners across the globe.
We are Health Care Without Harm Europe. We exist to create a sustainable healthcare sector. One that does no harm to patients or our planet. One that acts as a catalyst, inspiring action right across society to protect human health and the environment. One that drives change in communities, so people can live more healthily on a healthier planet.