To become a Nurse Climate Champion, please fill out the registration form below. Once your registration is approved by our team, you will receive your password via email and can access our educational materials and resources.

Your email address will not be shared with third parties.
All fields marked with a * are mandatory.

By joining the Nurses Climate Challenge Europe, I agree to receive email updates from Health Care Without Harm Europe related to the Challenge.

NCC Europe Network
This email group gives you the opportunity to get in touch with other Nurse Climate Champions from across Europe to exchange best practice, support each other in implementing projects, and discuss or share resources.
About you
Professional Role
We will not share or publish this personal data.
HCWH Europe will update the map of participants’ healthcare facilities on the Nurses Climate Challenge website using the information you provide below, no identifying information will be shared.

Please do not use your personal address, as the information below will be displayed on the map.

Get involved

Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) Membership

GGHH is the largest sustainable healthcare network in the world, comprising hospitals, health systems, and other health facilities seeking to transform the sector and create a healthy future for people and the planet.

HCWH Europe Newsletter
Interest groups
Interest Groups
HCWH Europe Newsletters
CleanMed Europe
Born Green Generation
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